If you are a person who is always to be in a serious relationship, if you are a person that has not dating in years, it has been successful with men and women.  Whatever be the situation, there are some of the common strategies rules to follow into the dating jungle forest.

1) It plays held to prepare you for success while you protect your emotions.

2) Men and women are train from day one in the various art of dating fire.

3) Mental and physical emotional may never hope to match.

4) See the best some looking clothes and shoes. Women always see the shoes, even if check last Nike's, bring cloths and that fits to you, just by one of the outfit tailor suit.

5) There are no excuse, that take care of yourself that are going to take care of her.

6) Sort your job, if you have one of the women and want a man who has ambition in your life, its instructor is generally not going to win in real catch.

7) Any job is better than none, bu knock down and set them in one direction in life, if possible try and see like something good career in your life.  Get at least have some plans to work for yourself, get future plans because women will ask questions about the prospects of your life and get pretend is important to your life.

8) Make sure your date with current affairs, study with good and quality papers.  W omen's are not appreciated stupidity and lazy is no excuse of sounding dumb, current affairs are one of the important to show you know all about the world, if you travel to help tremendously, don't make plans to travel and tell about your life.

9) Don't virtues of drinking in the bar 5 to 6 nights in a week.  It will never win fair prince heartiness, it spends all your time boozing with the boys, its the time to take a step back and pickup some more productive habits.

10)Keep your super fan status and check your sports and enjoy and watch the games, if sports is one of the relegion and your have a favourate player number on your back.

11)"Never expected to be sex on the first date," if all of them to be after is sex, you have come across in the wrong place for reading material, it looks for the girl of your dreams, not patient man.

12)Read upon manners, courtesy.  A women like to be treated with respectfulness, the rudeness and laziness, you know how to eat the food in one of the top hotels or restaurant, tell about fashion, jeweleries.

13)Women love to chat so you need to learn to, listen to her, how to impress other things, learn how to dance even if you have left feet, women seek to dance and puts you to in close contact, romantic and beautiful things, learn new things and try to join 'salsa' and 'ballroom' classes, to make impress with girl and get started today.  



A  Successful mistress knows how to be loved.  It seldom occurs to a wife that it is necessary to learn. Few things could be more misleading than the precept that the way to be loved is just to love. It looks so appetizing and, like mushrooms, can be deadly.
It there is a secret to being loved it lies in not having to be loved. It is this ability a mistress must accommodate. Once she understands that were the love affair to end, she herself would survive, she has the power to be loved, almost to command it.

Human beings meet for a moment in the reaches of time and space, trailing sparks like comet’s hair, but we responsible for ourselves. The men and women who face this fact without blinking are the most attractive people on earth. They will always be loved, because they have learned how.

On sex 

Even as a young child, I occasionally intercepted a look between my father and mother that was unmistakable. It was plain hat here was a secret man – woman magic that would one day be mine. My mother would not have dreamed of detailing the sex act to us. But neither did she gloss over its existence, its practicalities, power and loveliness.
I am opposed to the modern form of sex education. We are not minds or bodies or sex urges or case histories any more than we are mechanisms for breathing or digesting.

What shocks me is the dehumanization of sex by young wives who reduce that powerful force to a technique no different from driving a car or mastering the methods of good grooming. Have women no instincts any more, no mystery or mettle? Must everything be subjected to instruction and manuals, as if love were a kind of cooking school?

I know the current cult, if physical rapture is lacking, the mechanism needs tuning up, and the wise couple seeks professional help. The very concept is self defeating. The more conscious they become of what “ought” to be, the further removed they are from the spontaneity, skill, surprise and delight they desire.

What sex desperately needs is not education but imagination. A mistress cares nothing for theories and norms. She is immediately and intensely caught up in one man, as original as Adam, and in her own experience with him.